Think it, believe it, go achieve it.

Business and personal-development mentorship

Think it, believe it, go achieve it.

Business and personal-development mentorship



Fall in Love with Life Again.


Gain Clarity and Direction.


Grow & Scale Your Business.

If you’ve landed on this page, then I trust that this is for a reason. Whether you want to grow your business or make a positive change in your personal life, I believe you are here right now because something has led you. I don’t know just yet if I’m right the mentor for you, but I would love nothing more than to find out.


If you want to be successful then you need to work on both your business and mindset. If you’re struggling to build your business, this will only put you in a bad frame of mind and equally, if you’re in a bad frame of mind you will struggle to build your business. Dream Mentoring helps you with both to so that you can spring board into success.


If you want to be successful then you need to work on both your business and mindset. If you’re struggling to build your business, this will only put you in a bad frame of mind and equally, if you’re in a bad frame of mind you will struggle to build your business. Dream Mentoring helps you with both to so that you can spring board into success.


Are you ready to take massive action with your goals and achieve your dreams?

Are you ready to take massive action with your goals and achieve your dreams?

You can Do anything you put your mind to.

Before you can create any change, be that personal or professional, you must change your mindset. I didn’t build my first 7-figure business by luck. I built it up from the ground by building an unstoppable mindset. Now, I want to help you do the same.



How many times have you had a goal but not achieved it? Let’s change this. Over the past few years, I’ve helped 100s of business owners and entrepreneurs spring board their success using my 15 step formula. I now want to share this with you so that you can level up all areas of your life including your health, wealth and relationships.

Work through the modules in your own time inside of our Academy Membership Site.



Success leaves clues and I’m privileged to get to share with you all of the business experience and wisdom I’ve learnt over the past 30 years, delivered inside of a 16 week private mentoring programme.

Work with me personally on a 1-1 basis, or as part of a group.



Want me to deliver a keynote on sales, business or mindset?

Let’s grab a chat.



How many times have you had a goal but not achieved it? Let’s change this. Over the past few years, I’ve helped 100s of business owners and entrepreneurs spring board their success using my 15 step formula. I now want to share this with you so that you can level up all areas of your life including your health, wealth and relationships.

Work through the modules in your own time inside of our Academy Membership Site.



Success leaves clues and I’m privileged to get to share with you all of the business experience and wisdom I’ve learnt over the past 30 years, delivered inside of a 16 week private mentoring programme.

Work with me personally on a 1-1 basis, or as part of a group.



Want me to deliver a keynote on sales, business or mindset?

Let’s grab a chat.


A tried and tested formula I have lived my life by for the past 30 years and gone onto build multiple 7-figure businesses with.


A tried and tested formula I have lived my life by for the past 30 years and gone onto build multiple 7-figure businesses with.

step #1

Interested in Dream Mentoring? Let’s see if it’s a good fit for you. Fill out the form on the next page before booking a call. Please go into detail on the form as the more information you give us, the better position we’ll be in to see if this is right for you. 

step #2

Formed filled out? Great. It’s time to speak with one of our team. During this call, we will tell you all about Dream Mentoring, including what it entails and how it can help you achieve your personal and professional goals. 

step #3

If we’re a good fit, we’ll get you signed up and onboarded onto the programme. From here you’ll get immediate access to Tom and all of the trainings inside of the mentorship before joining us on a weekly training calls. 

Remember, on the other side of fear is GROWTH. This is your moment to take control of your goals and work alongside a mentor who will help you to achieve them. Our student success rate speaks volumes; EVERYONE who joins Dream Mentoring finishes the programme with results. We are proud of this and your results won’t be an exception to it – and that’s a promise!


    Check out what our clients have to say about us

    Raising the bar for high performers.

    "Since joining the mentoring course with Tom, my outlook on life and business have completely changed, it's fantastic, the course is great for motivation!"

    - David Phillips, Camco UK

    "IfI wasn't on the mentoring programme and wasn't speaking to Tom everyday, I probably wouldn't have won - he got my mindset right!"

    - Molly McCann, MMA Fighter

    "If you want to become a better version of yourself, I'd advise you to get in touch with Tom!"

    - Dave Seed, QUBE Residential

    ready to take massive action with your goals and achieve your dreams?